



Chiropractic is a treatment of the human frame using hands or mechanical devices along all joints of the body known as an adjustment.  DD Palmer founded this technique in 1895.  The science behind the success of adjustments is the relief of pressure on the nervous and vascular systems allowing the body to heal without unnecessary restrictions.  Chiropractic has been widely accepted for the treatment of; ADD, indigestion, bed wetting, TMJ disorders, weakened, immunity, postural balance and so much more!  The benefits of chiropractic are enhanced when combined with other complementary therapies such as acupuncture, nutrition, physical therapy and massage to name a few.


Acupuncture is another form of medicine that has existed for thousands of years.  It is first believed to have been used by the Egyptians along with herbs.  Acupuncture uses stainless steel hairlike needles inserted into specifically defined points along meridians (pathways) in the body.  These "pathways" act like plumbing in a house, and can be clogged as well, by nutritional imbalances, physical traumas or stress.  This causes an imbalance in the body resulting in symptoms such as; skin disorders/rashes, headaches, body aches and pains, digestive disorders, reproductive disorders, insomnia, fatigue and many more.  As with chiropractic, acupuncture benefits are enhanced with other forms of complementary medicine including Chinese herbs.


Wikipedia defines nutrition as, "the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food and relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism".  What does that really mean?  Going back to a quote I heard often growing up, "you are what you eat".  We have forgotten how our food is our fuel and if we eat healthy foods loaded with nutrients, we will have strong immune systems and have sustained energy.  If we eat foods without nutrients, loaded with sugars, unhealthy fats, pesticides, chemicals and hormones, it will result in joint aches and pains, weakened immune systems, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease and digestive disorders to name a few.  It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and our families on proper nutrition for a healthy life.


Gut repair is a part of nutrition involving the repair of the gut lining and balancing the flora.  Think of the lining as a fence.  The more we insult the gut (through poor nutrition, drugs, stress) the more our fence is broken and we are not able to keep the good nutrients in and the toxins out. 

Another component to this is the balancing of gut flora.  There are thousands of different types of bacteria in our gut to help with digestion, immunity, neurotransmitter function (mental and emotional disorders), bowel regulation and more.  It is very important this balance is achieved and maintained in all age groups.

Detoxification also supports gut repair.  This can be accomplished through the use of food, supplements, castor oil packs, etc.  Detox protocols should always be supervised by a physician.




NAET stands for Nambudripad's allergy elimination technique. Dr. Devi Nambudripad founded this technique in 1983. It is a combination of allopathic, acupuncture, chiropractic and applied kinesiology (AK) medicines. This is a non invasive technique to help the body to become desensitized to substances such as foods, environmental and seasonal allergies, chemicals, dust and more. This technique is also complemented well through the use of nutrition and gut repair support.


This incredible technique was designed by Drs. Scott and Deb Walker in the mid 1980's. It is a technique that uses foundations of chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, AK and nutritional medicines.  This therapy removes the neurological imbalances caused by physiology of unresolved stressors or stimuli.  Many people realize that stress makes us sick.  This technique helps to retrain our bodies ability to deal with stress in a healthy, and therefore, less toxic way.  This therapy is also a great complement to mental health counseling.  Click here for research studies and example videos by the Walker's.

Applied Kinesiology (ak)

AK is an alternative technique founded by Dr. George Goodheart in 1964.  AK uses the contact of a specific reflex point on the body while testing a specific muscle in the body.  If there is dysfunction/imbalance along that reflex, the muscle will be weak upon testing.  The opposite is also true.  If a reflex is tested and the coordination muscle is strong, there is good function or congruency associated with that point.  

The concept of this technique is based on the "triad of health".  This is philosophy that illness is derived from three causes:  emotional/mental, structural and chemical stressors.  This technique is used in combination with many therapies including; chiropractic, acupuncture, NAET, NET, homeopathy and nutritional recommendations and treatments.

To watch a demonstration of muscle testing, so you will know what to expect during your appointment, please watch this video.